Green Beret tech blogs up-close and personal from New Orleans

Monday, September 5, 2005

A retired United States Army Special Forces soldier, Michael Barnett (known on the Internet as Interdictor), has been blogging the way of Katrina since 27 August 2005, when he threw out the single tongue-in-cheek line, "This could actually be a nasty storm." [1]

Barnett apparently gathered a team of unknown size -- between five and ten persons, based upon his blog material -- to "hole up" in the tenth and eleventh floors of 650 Poydras, where he worked as the head crisis manager for DirectNIC, an information technology company.

With primary sources such as cellular telephone conversations with civilians from the convention centre and an in-person conversation with a cop they took in, Outpost Crystal (the group is being run with an efficient military mindset and the base is named after Inderdictor's fiancee) is rapidly becoming a prime source for information at less than an arm's distance.

A related Wiki is also running at
