Georgia Bureau of Investigation says drugs found in Benoit, wife, and son

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Chris Benoit, performing for the Coalition troops at Camp Victory in Baghdad, Iraq.

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, toxicology reports reveal that the former pro-wrestler Chris Benoit had ten times the normal level of testosterone as well as hydrocodone (a painkiller), and Xanax (an anti-anxiety medication).

Benoit also reportedly tested negative for alcohol.

Benoit's wife, Nancy Benoit also tested positive for Xanax, and the painkiller hydromorphone. Benoit's son Daniel could not be tested due to a lack of urine samples, but Dr. Kris Sperry, the medical examiner who performed the autopsies on the bodies says that "Daniel Benoit was sedated at the time he died" and that "there's no reason why a seven-year-old child would be taking Xanax."

Federal authorities have charged Dr. Phil Astin with improperly dispensing medication painkillers and other drugs to two other patients. Astin has pleaded not guilty.


