Ecuador's ousted President granted asylum in Brazil

(Image missing from Commons: image; log)
Friday, April 22, 2005
Ecuador's ousted President Lucio Gutiérrez by the Ecuadorian Congress is at the Brazilian embassy in Quito. He obtained the political asylum of the Brazilian government.
In a note, the Brazilian government declared its accompanying concerns for political events in Ecuador, expecting a peaceful solution in the political crisis.
The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, determined the Department of Justice should authorize the political asylum to Gutiérrez. According to the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, Sérgio Florêncio Sobrinho is acting as the Brazilian ambassador to Ecuador and is negotiating with the government of Ecuador for Gutiérrez to leave the country safely.
At about 1:40pm Thursday, a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) airplane took off of the air base at Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. The airplane flew to Rio Branco, in Acre State. It will remain ready at Rio Branco's airport until Gutiérrez can be authorized to leave Ecuador.
On Wednesday, Gutiérrez was removed by the Ecuadorian Congress because of a violent crackdown in Quito, protesting against Guitiérrez and demanding his resignation. It was reported that at least one person was killed during the protests.
Alfredo Palacio, Gutierrez's vice-president, is the new president of Ecuador.
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- "Civil War worries amid unrest in Ecuador" — Wikinews, April 21, 2005
- "Ex-Ecuador leader granted asylum" — BBC News, 21 de Abril de 2005
- "Ecuador's former president offered asylum in Brazil" — CNN, 21 de Abril de 2005
- Marcos Chagas. "Avião que trará ex-presidente do Equador segue para o Acre" — Radiobras, 21 de Abril de 2005
- Marcos Chagas. "Presidente Lula determina que Ministério da Justiça authorize asilo territorial para Gutiérrez" — Radiobras, 21 de Abril de 2005
- "Brasil concede asilo a presidente destituído do Equador" — Folha de São Paulo, 20 de Abril de 2005