Dvdrs.net closes - "can not recover from recent events"

Monday, March 6, 2006

Dvdrs.net, a usenet search engine targeted by the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) in its recent anti-piracy campaign, has closed while the site is restructured. Part of the restructuring will be the deletion of its usenet index.

In a statement posted on dvdrs.net just days before its disappearance, Descds, a site administrator, said, "The site will be closed for restructure. All reference to Usenet will be removed, the logo adapted (its a long time coming anyway) and NZB indexing sections dropped."

Descds reports that he is unhappy about Dvdrs.net being seen as a piracy network, as it has been since news of the MPAA's actions. "Since the PR press release broke we have been seen as an organized pirate network and this is unacceptable. In the first day of the press release we had 100 new members sign up looking for pirated movies. This has continued everyday since and we will not allow DVDRS to be used this way. We have not, will not and never shall host illegal files here," he said.

"We also understand that DVDRS will always be seen, in light of recent press, as a site that dealt in illegal file sharing. We feel there is no way we can recover from this and thus will re-launch Talk DVD with some of DVDRS database and ideas."

Descds also stated that he hoped the MPAA could see that he was happy to work with the MPAA to reach a resolution, maintaining that he had done nothing wrong and that the site was far more than a usenet indexing site.

"Indexing Usenet is still a part of the site granted, but we are now far more than that with in depth articles on DVD-R/W, DVD+R/W, DVD+R DL, DVDRAM, BLU-RAY and HD DVD media, software and hardware technology. We also have a healthy movie, game and hardware review section as well as active news. Our forums are also more about technology than Usenet," Descds said in his statement.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.