Daughter of U.S ambassador Eric John dies after New York City fall

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eric John, the current U.S ambassador to Thailand

Nicole John, the daughter of Eric John, the current US ambassador to Thailand, has died after falling from an apartment building in New York City. Nicole John, 17, fell to her death from the top floor of the Herald Towers, a 25-storey building. She was attending a party and had been believed to have been drinking. Police said that it is suspected that she had climbed out of the window ledge to take a picture when she slipped and fell.

John's death has been ruled as an accident but 25-year old Ilan Nassimi, the tenant of the room she fell from has been arrested on charges of giving alcohol to a minor. John had been clubbing with friends before she arrived at Nassimi's party. She was using a fake identification card which stated her age at either 23 or 24.

A spokesman for the Tenjune club John was at earlier in the night confirmed that security did check her I.D. He said "The technology can be so good that people are developing ways to sneak into places every day," said a source close to the club. "There are some [fake IDs] that are uncatchable."

Nassimi defends his innocence saying that he was unaware that John was under 21. He told police that he met her in a club and expressed to several people his interest in hosting an after party.
