Comments:US scientist creates 'artificial life'

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Thread title | Replies | Last modified |
Comments from feedback form - "more detail plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" | 0 | 06:39, 16 May 2020 |
Comments from feedback form - "Nice, concise, executive summa..." | 0 | 13:02, 29 June 2010 |
Comments from feedback form - "'solving global warming by usi..." | 4 | 07:01, 22 June 2010 |
Comments from feedback form - "this news was fantastic but i ..." | 0 | 13:41, 7 June 2010 |
Comments from feedback form - "ok" | 0 | 04:16, 29 May 2010 |
David Baltimore | 0 | 02:32, 22 May 2010 |
more detail plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
'solving global warming by using bacteria which uptake CO2' is not even close to being a possible option, not to mention the fact that global warming has not yet been proven to be caused by co2 levels...
Actually it has, you should probably stop watching Fox ;)
I would say 77 is partly right, the debate is two ways. I would say that all the gunk we shoot into the atmosphere is bad, CO2 is one of the problems.
By the way this article is not about artificial life. Rather: US Scientist highlights the uses of modifying God's creations to benefit us.
sounds cool