Comments:Transgender woman dies after beating in Harlem, New York

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
mv017:45, 16 October 2013
Education to promote understanding tolerance and true freedom019:31, 25 August 2013

What? ! This guy Wilson gets bailed whilst that poor girl is dead in her early 20s. Where's the justice in that? I say give him the death penalty - he'd probably boast about what he did in prison ( they usually do ).

Bigender (talk)17:45, 16 October 2013

Education to promote understanding tolerance and true freedom

Thank you for reporting this tragic event. Islan Nettles's death from hate beating for being a transgender obviously stems from deep-seated (and seeded) bigotry of ignorance. Hopefully her freedom to live as she needed to in a "land of the free" will not be wasted by such a violent and painful end. This article might help start to educate ignorant bigots to be more understanding and tolerant of fellow humans that have the unalienable right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in the United States of America and everywhere else.

Kdarwish1 (talk)19:30, 25 August 2013