Comments:Ten-ton ice cube melting in Seattle park

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Comment201:01, 28 September 2016

I Wonder what they are going to do with the ice cube.

Redberry76 (talk)01:47, 13 September 2016

They're going to let it melt.

Pi zero (talk)01:47, 13 September 2016

I get it , it's artistic. What are we thinking about overall? I just read a story of a mother in Burundi near central Africa who walks miles every day to a river to get water for her children. She has buried three children in four months, why? Bad water. Not our problem, right? As the phrase was coined from the movie Blood Diamonds, T.I.A. (This is Africa) and probably it will not change overall. No, sadly, T.I.A This is America, ironically thinking will not and has not changed much here either. Just saying. (talk)01:01, 28 September 2016