Comments:South African killer, rapist, serial escapee Ananias Mathe dies

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
death penalty322:32, 17 June 2020
Serves him/her right022:59, 16 June 2020

death penalty

The issue of crime in our country is so stressful to all of us,but I don't think introducing a death penalty is the solution to this problem. Justice system can be strengthened without involving death penalty.I think the constitution need to be modified so that it favors victims rather than criminals.Potential sources of crime such as drugs should also be given attention.

Yendoda (talk)12:12, 23 June 2017

I both agree and disagree with your opinion. Favouring the death penalty: some people are serial killers and need to be brought to justice, against the death penalty: some may be sentenced to death just because they're proven guilty when they're not. That's the reason I somehow and somehow not favour the death penalty. Don't you think?

Luthando Makhaye (talk)23:04, 16 June 2020

I suggest the most fundamental difficulty with a death penalty may be independent of who does or doesn't "deserve" to die (whatever that may mean); rather, it may be ultimately impossible for any government to be trusted with the power to deprive citizens of life.

Pi zero (talk)00:27, 17 June 2020

That is quite the reason, my dear good Sir/Ma'am, why I said I both agree and disagree with the death penalty

Luthando Makhaye (talk)22:32, 17 June 2020

Serves him/her right

This is one of the reasons why the death penalty must be re-brought. Death serves him/her right because he's not worth of a living

Luthando Makhaye (talk)22:59, 16 June 2020