Comments:Russian court rejects move to ban Hindu scripture

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You must find evidence first before they go to court

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Good news everyone!112:26, 17 August 2016
Well...010:06, 2 January 2012
Comments from feedback form - "It is fucking Bullshit"013:45, 30 December 2011
Comments from feedback form - "drat ban the book"016:07, 29 December 2011

Good news everyone!

This is a good decisions because countries have to respect the scriptures of other countries.

Vijaygopal1234 (talk)08:45, 2 January 2012

They must find evidence first before they go to court

Valvular (talk)12:26, 17 August 2016

First, I would need serious evidence as to why this book is hateful. Perhaps a reading over is a good idea.

Second off, even if it did say such things, so what? If they do commit crimes of a violent nature, arrest them. Just simply possessing the book shouldn't be a crime, no matter the circumstances. I apply the same logic to any media. You can kill hookers in GTA, doesn't mean you should go off and do so in real life. And if someone does, they should be promptly arrested and charged.

Finally, Why do we have to specifically respect the beliefs of other cultures, anyway? When I'm a guest in someone else's country, I'm going to be held to a standard of behaviour, to which I'll be expected, not unreasonably so, to uphold. I'm not going to go around Iran and start spouting about atheism, as that'll likely get me killed. To be fair, that's probably an unfair comparison, as this is Russia we're talking about here. But still, my point stands. You can't really legitimately expect to be treated the same in a foreign country as you would be back home. - (talk) 10:06, 2 January 2012 (UTC) (talk)10:06, 2 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "It is fucking Bullshit"

It is fucking Bullshit (talk)13:45, 30 December 2011

Comments from feedback form - "drat ban the book"

drat ban the book (talk)16:07, 29 December 2011