Comments:Record size 17.4 million-digit prime found

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Got the Prime numbers right...

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Record size 17.4 million-digit prime found700:48, 26 January 2015

Record size 17.4 million-digit prime found

I sure hope none of my hard earned tax $$$$$ was used to find this number. (talk)16:33, 6 February 2013

If it were, 'twould be a good investment.

Pi zero (talk)16:49, 6 February 2013

This is the biggest waste of time. Why does it matter what the largest prime number is? It's contributing nothing to society except useless information and wasting labor and money. Do something useful. (talk)17:13, 8 February 2013

agree 100% reader in Virginia  ! who really D A S !!! (talk)00:48, 26 January 2015