Comments:New Zealand delays emissions trading scheme

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This is why I voted for Labour. Consdering if responding to climate change is economically worthwhile! >< Im a screaming pinko and my heart twisted when I read that. Is Nationals head always into economy when there is a world at stake? A little bit dramatic I know but you get what I mean. We were supposed to be the ones pushing this, combating global warming, and now we are reconsidering it! Gah.

New Zealand is in a sink hole now :\

-- 01:07, 19 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

I'm not a Kiwi but I usually admire them. Rugby and all the rest. However, when I knew that your govt is "hear[ing] competing views on the scientific aspects of climate change", I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Whose views they want to hear to first? Shell's or Exxon's? Climate change or its causes are not anymore in discussion! - 04:15, 19 November 2008 (UTC)Reply