Comments:Mount Everest plane crash blamed on pilot error

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aircraft captain Rå¡Ð_§å¥ÑT€® must have and a angel around his neck to survive a colision like that —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)

Lukla crash edit

Early government and media reports suggested the plane clipped a perimeter fence at the foot of the runway. We were in Lukla shortly after the crash, and it was very obvious the fence was not involved. Instead, the plane appeared to have impacted further downhill, near a large rock off to the left hand approach (northern) side of the runway. The fence didn't appear to be significantly involved. The pilot's approach was simply too low, and crashed before reaching the fence. The wreckage has since been removed from the point of impact, and collected a short distance above the site, still at the bottom of the runway. It was crudely covered with a tarpaulin.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs)