Comments:Five police officers killed in Dallas, Texas during sniper attack

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
comment012:15, 10 June 2020
Hillary Clinton -Really214:56, 12 July 2016

Why are the lives of those officers who are PAID, more important then the lives taken by the police. (talk)12:15, 10 June 2020

Hillary Clinton -Really

You had to give Hillary Clinton an introduction like that? Just couldn't say her name and give her statement? Not like America Doesn't know who she is. We all know who Wikinews favors!!! Stunads. (talk)13:13, 12 July 2016

Wikinews is neutral. Wikinews is also a news site written for a general audience, so we explain who people are. Deal with it.

Pi zero (talk)13:47, 12 July 2016

Well, do you know who Smriti Irani is? Contributors here may have personal views which is not reflected in the articles as it is written in neutral point of view. To add, why would i be bothered if she wins the election or not. I don't have any idea about her party, or know her history.

acagastya14:56, 12 July 2016