Comments:First ever video showing Guantanamo questioning released

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I think that the principles of Guantanamo bay is evil, and I hope with George Bush gone either Barack or John shall abolish the cruel torture camp. Orc Process

I'm curious why the Canadian government - and the Harper Conservatives particularly since they campaigned on a "we are a nation of laws!" platform - would think that Canadian citizens should continue to respect the rule of law when the government itself sees fit to deny and obstruct it's implementation it at every turn? The hypocrisy shown by authoritarians over these last years have been absolutely disgusting, frightening, and completely disheartening. One must ask themselves whether there's any point for us to continue observing the rule of law under this kind of rule, or whether doing so consists of submission to authority ONLY...a condition which all men should vigorously rebel against lest we return to a pre-Magna Carta kind of servitude under tyrants who proclaim Divine Right for their status atop the food chain.

GW Kamloops, Canada -- 05:57, 16 February 2009 (UTC)Reply