Comments:FIFA Ballon d'Or 2015 goes to Lionel Messi

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Question512:35, 23 January 2016

Hello. Please tell me How you entered this item to "Hot News"?

Mani-bakhtiar (talk)15:18, 22 January 2016

Technically i mean.

Mani-bakhtiar (talk)15:19, 22 January 2016

Hot News? What forum are you asking about?

Pi zero (talk)20:02, 22 January 2016

Five news in Mainpage have picture. how these news entered to this section? Please guide me in this.

Mani-bakhtiar (talk)21:07, 22 January 2016

Once we've published an article, we have a customized tool for loading an article onto any of the five templates that provide our leads on the main page. At present, the tool uses page-specific javascript for the page Wikinews:Make lead, although the javascript for that tool is rather scary and I hope to replace it in future with a tool based on my dialog tools.

Pi zero (talk)22:34, 22 January 2016

Thank you my friend for your kindness and patience.

Mani-bakhtiar (talk)12:35, 23 January 2016