Comments:Escape room fire kills five teen girls in Koszalin, Poland

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WOW419:12, 15 January 2019

You mean, they did not bother putting sprinklers in the escape room? That probably would have helped some.

Billster156234781 (talk)14:33, 15 January 2019

They aren't common in many places in the first place.

Leaderboard (talk)18:14, 15 January 2019

I am from America, and here they have sprinklers in every public place to help stop fires. Here they are very common, and I thought that everywhere else they were just as common, I guess I am mistaken. I am also surprised that this did not make the news here, considering how that at every mall in America you could probably find an escape room.

Billster156234781 (talk)18:38, 15 January 2019

Sorry just looked at the sources, it did make some news here.

Billster156234781 (talk)18:39, 15 January 2019

On a building this small, compartmentalisation and proper emergency egress would probably be sufficient, with sprinklers not adding much. If they did no good, though, they could do no harm. Of note, I saw some stories suggesting that the checks of escape rooms nationwide after this fire were revealing some disturbing things; huge number not up to standards, with many so bad they were shut down on the spot.

BRS (Talk) (Contribs)19:12, 15 January 2019