Comments:Apples top most contaminated produce list

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Will this report influence your eating habits?

Will this report influence your eating habits? Yes, for now. (talk)23:50, 15 June 2011

yes definitely this will show an impact on the eating habits ..because now-a-days every one are being health consious ..every one are searchingg for the natural fruits not for the fruits with pesticides or chemicals ..they will definitely show an major impact on human health ..we get even health complications if we eat all these things (talk)12:22, 18 August 2011

I already eat organic

The people who trash organic are often paid by people who want to continue selling pesticides. I on the other hand have no profit to make in telling you to grow your own food the healthy way, organic. I eat this way all the time and my 2 year old does too. We DO NOT eat worms because we almost never get them in our food, which is beautiful, sorry to disappoint. When was the last time you didn't look for worm hole? If you looked and you eat pesticide food than what is the point? Anyways, I would rather eat a worm one time in my life than have kids who are impaired from pesticides. Your choice! (talk)21:58, 14 June 2011

worms are nutritious and high in protein.

SVTCobra03:19, 16 June 2011

Yummy, yummy protein!

Brian McNeil / talk10:08, 16 June 2011

Wow, you know between this and the outbreak of poisening in germany due to contaminated produce i just don't know what to do.......Oh wait that was organic beansprouts...and E. you mean I can get worms and E. Coli in my organic produce? Where is the Fungicide sprayed apple, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (talk)03:17, 18 June 2011

I'm sorry ... was I too cynical? I was just making a comment. I felt that was deserving of it.

SVTCobra02:14, 21 June 2011

Comments from feedback form - "cash"

cash (talk)15:06, 16 June 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Pesticides may be toxic, but c..."

Pesticides may be toxic, but consumers want nice looking, bug free produce. Anyone who gardens knows that apple trees that aren't srpayed have apples full of worms. Caulifower, broccoli, cabbage all are pretty wormy withoug some bug killer. I guarentee that consumers would not like little green worms in their broccoli. (talk)18:58, 14 June 2011

If this is true, how is that we manage to have organic versions of all of these fruits and vegetables? Where are the worms? (talk)14:33, 16 June 2011

Sounds dangerous

well, I guess I'll just have to kill and eat more of my own food. More meat, fewer veges. Nothing else for it really.

Sebastian (talk)04:21, 15 June 2011

You don't want to know how bad meat is to the environment. Livestock's Long Shadow (talk)11:45, 16 June 2011

Will this report influence your eating habits?

Will this report influence your eating habits? Yes, for now. (talk)23:49, 15 June 2011

Comments from feedback form - "That is why I only eat apples ..."

That is why I only eat apples from Germany. The best apples still come from my garden. However, very interesting article. (talk)15:45, 15 June 2011

Comments from feedback form - "THank you for the information"

THank you for the information (talk)22:51, 14 June 2011

Will this report influence your eating habits?

No. Absolutely not.

Rayboy8 (my talk) (my contributions)21:40, 14 June 2011