Comments:'Da Vinci Code' opens in theaters, sparks controversy

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"It deliberately presents fiction as fact."114:05, 30 November 2017

"It deliberately presents fiction as fact."

I am not sure if it is for Da Vince Code or Bible. People would not react like this when cuss words insulting mother, sister or even daughter is used, but lose their cool when it is about an imaginary peasant.

•–•09:48, 30 November 2017

I was going to suggest that the bishop's remark about insulting Jesus and the Church was more revealing of their emotional response; but, on reflection, it is also quite striking that one would criticize a work of fiction for presenting fiction as fact. Perhaps the difficulty arises because this work of fiction, by drawing on plausible-sounding evidence, has a level of evidential support competitive with the mythology of most religions.

Pi zero (talk)14:05, 30 November 2017