News briefs

The time is 17:00 (UTC) on June 7th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.



The Indonesian government has ordered the evacuation of 11,000 people from the Magelang district as Mount Merapi spews ash, lava and smoke from its dome. The dome continues to rise and scientists fear it may collapse. Smoke and ash are rising at least 2.4 miles into the sky and lava is rising at least 4 miles from the volcano's crater.


On June 5th, gunmen posing as police officers raided a bus station in central Baghdad, capturing 50 people. Attackers raided bus stations, seizing travellers a day after 21 were dragged off buses, killed.

United States

The United States Senate has defeated a bill banning gay marriage. The bill was defeated 48 to 49 and did not receive the minimum amount of 60 votes that would allow the bill to be taken to the full Senate. The bill fell 18 votes short of the 67 that were needed to approve the bill and place it into the constitution.


As expected by media sources, Australian Prime Minister, John Howard announced on Tuesday that he will be setting up a "Prime Ministerial taskforce" to investigate uranium mining, processing and nuclear energy in Australia.


The Western Australian (WA) Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) have advised against the massive Greater Gorgon liquefied natural gas project off WA's Pilbara coast. Proponents of the projects say Gorgon is one of Australia's biggest export ventures, scheduled to provide up to 6,000 jobs and exports of up to $1.2 billion.

United States

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley beat back a Republican primary challenge from Roy Moore, the former judge who tried to put up a Ten Commandments monument in his courthouse.


A survey released today by the RACV and Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce found that 20 percent of cars in Victoria have at least one worn out or unroadworthy tyre.

New Zealand

Anthony James Creamer's body was found in the Christchurch Avon River on June 6. He was a sickness beneficiary and lived in Avonside Street, which is located near the Avon River.

United States

When 29 students in Florida attended a fake crime scene during a field trip, set up by their teacher, Sue Messenger, they found a real body. The body of a homeless man was found in Fort Lauderdale Park by the students and police say he died of natural causes and there was nothing to indicate that foul play was involved.


Raw Audio will commence Australia's first regular live music webcast on June 11, called The Sunday Sofa Sessions. The webcast, which will be broadcast every Sunday at 8pm (Brisbane time), will feature a selection of South-East Queensland's bands and musicians, and the occasional overseas and interstate guest.

Closing statements

We invite you to visit for up-to-date news and information. This has been Audio Wikinews Newsbriefs. Thank you for listening, and enjoy the rest of your day. This recording has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.