Campaign manager: 100 percent chance Buddy Roemer will run for Americans Elect presidential nomination

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Roemer in June 2011.
Image: Gage Skidmore.

According to campaign manager Carlos Sierra, there is a "100 percent" chance that Republican Party presidential candidate Buddy Roemer will seek the nomination of Americans Elect, an independent U.S. third party established for the 2012 election.

Sierra made the comment after being notified that the campaign manager of Roemer's fellow GOP candidate, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson, reportedly told a Libertarian Party official that he was "99 percent" sure Johnson would seek that party's presidential nomination. Sierra said he would "one up Governor Johnson".

Roemer, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1981–1988) and as Governor of Louisiana (1988–1992), does not accept Political Action Committee (PAC) money and has not been invited to any GOP presidential debates. He recently appeared on Your World with Neil Cavuto and hinted that he would make an independent run, briefly mentioning Americans Elect.

Americans Elect intends to field a ticket that will be "responsive to the vast majority of citizens while remaining independent of special interests and the partisan interests of either major political party." It has attained ballot access in ten states including Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, Nevada, Michigan, Ohio, and Utah, and is petitioning to appear on the ballot in all fifty states.

One of the party's bylaws state that the party must nominate a "coalition ticket". Roemer has previously commented that Connecticut's Independent Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman or businessman Erskine Bowles would make good choices for a running mate.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.