Brazilian economist Celso Furtado dies

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Celso Furtado(ABr/Marcello Casal Jr)

RIO DE JANEIRO — The Brazilian Economist Celso Furtado, aged 84, has died today between 11 and 11:30 am, in his apartament in Rio de Janeiro. According to ABr (Government Brazilian news Agency) Celso Furtado was victim of a heart attack.

He will be buried tomorrow at São João Batista cemetery, Rio de Janeiro at 12:00.


  1. ABr "Morte do economista Celso Furtado foi causada por infarto"
  2. ABr "PT destaca em nota que morte de Furtado deixa o país mais pobre"
  3. ABr "Lula decreta luto oficial pela morte de Celso Furtado"
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