Global Witness reports almost 200 environmental activist killings in 2023

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Environmentalist group Global Witness released a report on September 10, which stated that 196 environmental activists were killed in 2023. Between 2012 and 2023, the number of activists killed was 2,106.

According to the report, 85 percent of the killings happened in Latin America, where 70 percent of deaths occurred in Colombia, Brazil, Honduras and Mexico. Columbia had the most killings in 2023 and overall.

In Asia, seventeen killings were reported and in Africa four, but the latter number might be incorrect because of unavailable data. In United States and Europe, there have been restrictions placed on protesting, which makes some forms of activism illegal.

The report defines an environmental activist killing based on several criteria such as credible online sources, details about the actual act of violence, date and location, name of the victim and documented connections to the environmental issue.

Activism against the mining industry has the most killings connected to it. Agribusiness, fishing, and infrastructure were among the other industries which had connections to the killings. Laura Furoness, the report's lead author, says that governments are responsible for ensuring that violations against activists are acted upon: "Governments cannot stand idly by; they must take decisive action to protect defenders and to address the underlying drivers of violence against them."

In a statement, the Colombian government said it was "dishonourable" to be at the top of Global Witness's list. A government spokesperson stated the government would work on a response.

