Al-Qaeda's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, calls for 'strikes against Jewish and American interests'

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Monday, March 24, 2008

File:Ayman al Zawahiri.jpg
Ayman al-Zawahiri in an FBI photo

Al-Qaeda's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri has released a new audiotape calling for Muslims to attack Israeli and American targets in revenge for Israel's recent offensive in the Gaza Strip.

The tape was posted on the internet and on it, Zawahiri urges strikes against Jewish and Americans interests, along with all those who participate in aggression against Muslims.

"Muslims, today is your day. Strike the interests of the Jews, the Americans, and all those who participated in the attack on Muslims. Monitor the targets, collect money, prepare the equipment, plan with precision, and then—while relying on God—assault, seeking martyrdom and paradise," said Zawahiri.

He also added that any attacks on these interests should not be confined to Palestine, Israel or the Middle East.

"Today there is no room for he who says that we should only fight the Jews in Palestine. Let us strike their interests everywhere, just like they gathered against us from everywhere," added Zawahiri.

U.S. intelligence is currently reviewing the tape, but so far the authenticity cannot be independently confirmed.

In a separate recording released last week, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden called on Palestinians to reject negotiations and use "iron and fire" against Israel. A voice described as bin Laden's also urged Muslims to support the insurgency in Iraq as a way to liberate Palestine.

