ANZAC Day marked around the world

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Poppies are used as a symbol of remembrance to all fallen soldiers at war.

Australians and New Zealanders throughout the world turned out in huge numbers for their national war memorial day in remembrance of the failed Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) attack on Gallipoli, Turkey that began on 25 April 1915.

The fateful attack was designed to end the First World War quicker by creating a supply line to Russia. A hundred thousand died in the battle, remembered every year as ANZAC Day by both nations. The British-directed battle of Gallipoli is often seen as a defining moment in the 'birth' of Australia and New Zealand.

This is the 92nd anniversary of the attack.

Around 5,000 people turned out at the dawn service at Gallipoli, and around 7,000 attended the 11.00 a.m. service.

Meanwhile dawn services have been held throughout New Zealand. The numbers of veterans may be dwindling, but the numbers of those who come to pay their respects is not.

In Auckland a record number of people, thought to be over 5,000, attended the dawn service at the Auckland War Memorial Museum. In Wellington, over 1,000 people gathered at the Cenotaph near the Parliament buildings.

New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters called for greater effort towards the peaceful resolution of conflict.

"In remembering the suffering and loss on both sides, let us commit ourselves to working for a world where differences between nations can be resolved without resorting to war," Mr Peters said.

"That is the way that we can best honour the men who fought and died here."

In Australia there were record numbers at every state war memorial with around 20,000 people attending the service in Sydney. 200 people marched a different route though in recognition of the Aboriginal soldiers. In Perth, there were over 30,000 attendees at the dawn service war memorial in Kings Park.

In other countries around the world many visited the Australian and New Zealand war memorials. In London, as many as 2,500 Australian and New Zealanders turned up to the dawn services at the Hyde Park war memorials.

Australia and New Zealand commemorate the ANZAC Day public holiday on the 25th of April every year to honour the bravery and sacrifice of the members of the ANZAC's and of all those who served their country.


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