2008 Boao Forum for Asia starts with sectors on economy, environment, and the Internet
Sunday, April 13, 2008
"2008 Boao Forum for Asia" started two days ago in Bo'ao, Hainan, China, and participated with government and industrial executives worldwide. Because revolutions in the Web 3.0 era have made a major impact on global economy, several elites from the Internet industry like Kai-Fu Lee provided forecasts for this key industry in the forum.
Furthermore, Vincent Siew, the vice-president elect, provided his comments in the forum. But two coalitions (Pan-Blues and Pan-Greens) declared different comments on Siew's participation.
But due to a hot topic of environment and greenhouse effect, Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, winner of 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, commented on this forum: "There were several sectors on energy-saving, not governments, but the public should play a great role in this global warming era."
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008博鰲亞洲論壇登場 核心聚焦環保、經濟、生活", from the Chinese language Wikinews. |
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "2008博鰲亞洲論壇登場 核心聚焦環保、經濟、生活", from the Chinese language Wikinews. |
- Min-xi Huang. "國民黨團:蕭胡會氣氛佳 有助兩岸發展" — Central News Agency (Republic of China), April 13, 2008 (Chinese)
- Hai-ying Chang. "诺贝尔奖得主帕乔里:应对气候变化最大力量在公众" — East Daily of China, April 13, 2008 (Chinese)
- Hai-ying Chang. "博鳌论坛聚焦网络产业 Web3.0成行业巨头对话主题" — East Daily of China, April 13, 2008 (Chinese)
- Yi-chun Lin. "綠營:蕭胡會擱置主權爭議 恐埋未來障礙" — Central News Agency (Republic of China), April 13, 2008 (Chinese)
- "New cross-strait talks ready to kick off" — The China Post, April 13, 2008
- "China leader considering Taiwan relations" — USA Today, April 13, 2008