$200,000 reward for information on Perth arsonist

Monday, February 5, 2007

In the aftermath of the bush fires around Perth the Western Australian government has offered a $A200,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of an arsonist.

Premier Alan Carpenter, who is visiting the area of the Dwellingup fires said, "It is almost inconceivable that anybody could be so stupid and so criminally, willfully damaging to the community as to go about setting a fire deliberately in these circumstances".

Further fires were lit today near Yanchep and in John Forrest National Park both fires are believed to be deliberately lit as they had multiple ignition points.

Earlier this morning the Dwellingup fire, assisted by strong easterly winds , broke containment lines and threatened the town of Coolup. Additional flareups and spot fires from embers have now been contained. This fire has burnt more then 11,000 hectares so far.

Spokesman for the Department of Environment and Conservation, Murray Mitchel says that firefighters were trying to consolidate the fire in preparation for Wednesday's expected 40oC (104oF) temperatures. A fire weather warning has been issued for the south west of Western Australia.

"Seven bushfires near Perth, Western Australia" — Wikinews, February 4,2007
