It has been almost 3-years since the horrific Hurricane Katrina destroyed Louisiana beyond measures which caused a person such as myself to be presently homeless in Riverdale, Ga. As a survivor, I must say that I am distraught on how the government and other organizations handled the entire situation. Not because I lived throughout the hurricane and the aftermath of it, but because I felt that the government did not care about the Katrina victims. This is suppose to be the richest country in the world, and yet the government failed and continues to fail the people. There IS NOT a reason why the government could not had provided ships, buses, airplanes, etc to evacuate the people out of harms way (before the hurricane). Their is no excuse the government can provide to explain why after almost 3-years, lives of the survivors or no better off as the day after Katrina.

It is really ashame that it took Hurricane Katrina to WAKE UP America and make them face the reality of neglect in this country. It is not because the people failed to cry out, but because higher authorities failed to listen. We have had Presidents that were so educated until they were stupid beyond means. But I am happy to know that God is answering prayers through Cynthia McKinney. I do not personally know her, but the spirit in her has revived a lot of Katrina survivors including myself. She has given us a sense of hope and accomplishments via her platform and authority.

For the first time in my life, I am proud to campaign for a President of the United States. I believe and I stand for everything that is being address by the Presidential norminee. I was sad to see her leave the Democratic Party, but happy to know that she will be my next President. I will be honest and say that I was supporting and campaigning for Barack Obama for president for almost 2 years now. However after careful observation, praying, listening, and facing reality, I came to the conclusion in August of 2008 that Cynthia McKinney is the best and only choice for President of the United States of America. I support her 100%. I do not want to even hear the name Barack Obama again.

So people, we have work to do! The old saying is, ACTION speaks LOUDER than WORDS. We just can't talk it! We have to WALK it!