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English WikiNews
English WikiNews

John Barberio's Journal

About the Accused edit

John Barberio is currently living in Banbury, Oxfordshire, England. His technical interests range from Linux to Web Design, Software Engineering to Internet Usage Policy. His personal interests range from Film to Sociology, Art to Publishing.

Unfortunatly, John suffers from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), a deliberting condition for which there is no known cure as yet. He was previously employed by Torex Health, as a systems administration consultant for major hospital trusts and individual hospitals.

During the late 90's he studied in Rycotewood in Oxfordshire, then went on to Brookes University in Oxford. During his stay at the CMS he learnt the basics of UNIX, software engineering, and how the Internet works. He's continued to study such arcane things as Cisco routers, and PHP code. As a member of the ICANN@large membership he's been telepresent at many of the ICANN general meetings in order to express concern over the maintenance of the Internet and associated systems and legislation. He has since decided that programming just isn't worth the stress involved, and only sysadmins his home computers.

As an Artist, he has self published a short run comic book and written for a well established Internet authors group. Unfortunatly, he now has to concentrate primarly on writing due to loosing fine dexterity control because of CFS. He is currently in the progress of writing his first profesional novel, a science fiction murder mystery.

He dislikes writing bios about himself, especially in third person, and should just make it all up and claim to be an Arch Bishop Nobel Prize Winning Mountain Climber. Its the Internet, its not like you can verify any of this.

John also has a tendancy to get cranky.