UN standards for a "proper toilet"

If WC is a standard, India is bound to fail the test. They don't call it 'Western' Commode for no reason. I hope they also derived standards for what can be called "Indian Commodes"; and by definition of those standards some Indian commodes can be considered "proper".

-- Sirax (talk)01:16, 17 April 2010

By w.c. I meant water closet, A sanitary toilet, that is

HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)06:40, 17 April 2010

Welcome to the modern world, here in the U.S. everyone has an iPhone,but can't afford health insurance. Just like in India, people have more access to cell phones than toilets. Guess health isn't important anymore. (talk)12:06, 17 April 2010

Thank heavens for the NHS. The thought of having to buy health insurance I find deeply Appalling.

Apparently health is becoming a commodity for those who want to profit of of it, just like anything else. The Corporations that have the power in this regard are sociopathic, invariably pursuing the same goal: MAXIMUM PROFIT, which they will create a system of absolute despotism to procure. They have no sense of caring or kindness, as they are not human beings. Unfortunately we've left the greatest desisions of our time to these non-Human entities, And they rule the world as they see fit. If a person or institution tries to show a shred of humanity in the face of this, They're labelled a "trade barrier" and the Corporate powers find a way to deal with them.
HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)16:13, 17 April 2010

It scares me that a country would have more cell phones than they have toilets! That makes no sense at all! If anything, it shuold be the other way around!

Musician731 (talk)23:44, 23 April 2010