Comments from feedback form - "'solving global warming by usi..."

Comments from feedback form - "'solving global warming by usi..."

'solving global warming by using bacteria which uptake CO2' is not even close to being a possible option, not to mention the fact that global warming has not yet been proven to be caused by co2 levels... (talk)18:13, 21 May 2010

Actually it has, you should probably stop watching Fox ;) (talk)01:14, 22 May 2010

I would say 77 is partly right, the debate is two ways. I would say that all the gunk we shoot into the atmosphere is bad, CO2 is one of the problems.

By the way this article is not about artificial life. Rather: US Scientist highlights the uses of modifying God's creations to benefit us. (talk)10:00, 23 May 2010

sounds cool (talk)07:01, 22 June 2010