Salt and sugar should be restricted at food manufacturers

Salt and sugar should be restricted at food manufacturers

What's it going to take to get food manufacturers to restrict the salt and sugar to 'healthy' levels?

By that I mean 10% of what they currently add... not just 10% less but 90% less.

Obesity, diabetes, hypertension soaring and still corporate food processors poison us with unhealthy levels of additives in the name of profit.

RpDn (talk)07:07, 13 April 2010

mmmm bread, is that a sourdough baguette? (talk)01:06, 14 April 2010

It is indeed, I missed the caption. Excellent Choice! (talk)01:14, 14 April 2010

Start by scrapping the immense Ag subsidies for HFCS (talk)01:15, 14 April 2010