Let's have a serious talk about this, EXAGGERATION NEEDS TO STOP

Let's have a serious talk about this, EXAGGERATION NEEDS TO STOP

Ok, so we've all heard about the big oil spill last year. As terrible as it was, IT IS NOT ENTIRELY BPs FAULT!. Heres the problem, Lets say theres a state, in the US, lets say Alaska, which has a bounty of oil hidden on land. The state should be able sell off some of this land to an oil company right? WRONG!!! See BP has already tried to drill on US land, and just off shore, where an accident would be much much easier to repair and prevent. BUT THE US NATIONAL GOV wont let states make deal for new drill sites on land or just off shore, no matter how hard the oil companies and states(like alaska) try. LET ME REPEAT THAT, BP IS NOT seeking big risk projects, it just wants new drill sites, and if you dont let them do it on land or on shore, then they will go as deep into the ocean as they need to in order to stay a float.

Next, oil might not be the greatest, but people dont seem to really want to change. why? Everyone seems to want to seem green, but in reality, they aren't willing to do what is needed. Why is that? because no one seems to like nuclear power, the one thing that could prob help us the most. Solar panels are too expensive and take almost as much energy to create as they make over the first ten years of use. hybrids are nice but for the price you could get much sportier cars. The one decent all electric car, the tesla roadster, costs 3 arms and 4 legs. In the end being green costs too much and inconveniences. Until green tech people come up with ideas that are more convenient and cheaper than the way things are currently, there wont be very much change. (talk)13:48, 4 November 2010

if the people don't want to be less greedy & buy a less sporty car whose fault is it! its the peoples fault! we spend a lot on our selves! we don't want to spend on these things cause it doesn't look good o its isn't cool! nor does the government wan to spend on it even if the fact is that ur a 14 trillion economy! well that's just too bad! Well u talk about resins why people don't want to change there are many reasons for them to start doing somethings before something bad happens...if it doesn't happen to us our children sure will experience disaster...I think ur doing a little bit of exaggeration yourself by saying we are too poor & helpless! In India we have solar water heaters! works just fine! doesn't cost much! no subsidies on this! Rs 30000 = 400USD .Dont think anyone made the first move in the USA!Someone need to buy things for the scientist sot fund their projects or the govt invest heavily in them which both aren't doing cause of the same attitude that we cant do anything its a reality of life....lets ,make the small changes fists...so forget nuclear power! You just keep giving excuses why you shouldn't do something! If u choose why u would buy a sportier car for the cost of a hybrid that explains your greed not helplessness! Its not like There is 60% poverty or hunger like in third world countries! U prefer to by suv's [gas guzzlers]! u have the money the technology but not the will power !Lets not exaggerate our helplessness over this issue or save us from our misdeed's & greed! (talk)18:05, 15 November 2010