ref: Man(drug dealer) killed in police shooting in Brooklyn, New York

ref: Man(drug dealer) killed in police shooting in Brooklyn, New York

In my views the shooting officer took the proper action. He or she should be appreciated for the action. One less criminal on the street. (talk)22:46, 14 January 2012

It seems like you did not read the news carefully. The police did not arrest the thieves, and they killed the person they were supposed to protect. Whether or not Duane Brown had drugs in his house or not is not relevant. The police did not have that piece of information when they shot him dead. He could have been a law-abiding citizen, owning a gun to protect himself in such cases, he would still be dead. In my opinion, that is not how people are supposed to be protected. The way I read this piece of news, it looks like the police did not took the proper action.

But maybe I am wrong, because some information is missing, in which case I apologize. (talk)18:06, 15 January 2012

Whilst I am sorry to hear that a man has been shot dead for protecting his home, he was armed, and ordered by a policeman to drop his weapon. I understand the police officer not wanting to chance not shooting him. The fact there were drugs around is not really anything to do with the argument. (talk)16:57, 16 January 2012