Comments from feedback form - "If Alveda King will be there, ..."

Comments from feedback form - "If Alveda King will be there, ..."

If Alveda King will be there, does that change anything? I enjoy how everyone dances around the fact that Glenn Beck is White and MLK was (is?) black. I say despite this being an incredibly "ballsy" move by Beck, its kinda complements the worthy and great plight of MLK.

BKCW8 talk00:24, 29 August 2010

If you think that MLK would support this then you need to backtrack to beck article on MLK (MLK Socialist?) so stop pretending that Beck respects Martin Luther King. (talk)00:46, 29 August 2010

You are suggesting that people are summed up by one characteristic. Hypothetically, someone could be a socialist but still be a heroic and brilliant figure in history. I believe in equality, but I dont believe in socialism - humans aren't 1-D or even 2-D, they are complex creatures.

BKCW8 talk01:04, 29 August 2010

If your trying to say that a socialist can be a nice person not a radical then i agree with you however MLK was not a Socialist. Beck however might be after all denouching Socialism could be a cover for being one. (talk)17:01, 29 August 2010

He wasn't a communist or "hardcore" socialist but, well, the fully-sourced Wikipedia article can say it better than I can: [1] - a few paragraphs into that section it gets to his "democratic socialist" stance. He isn't a socialist is the "traditional" sense but he had enough leanings that he himself used the term democratic socialism - in order to avoid the communist label! Today he probably would have come up with something else, since socialist is the word used to demonize people in today's media.

This is why you need to study the nuanced positions of political figures; labels are inadequate but often broad enough that they aren't necessarily inaccurate, and for some reason they're always evocative.

Fishy c (talk)18:31, 29 August 2010