Comments from feedback form - "An animal follows its natural ..."

Comments from feedback form - "An animal follows its natural ..."

An animal follows its natural instincts, so you kill the animal? This doesn't make sense to me at all... (talk)12:41, 27 April 2011

Humans are also animals. We also have natural instincts; one of which is defending our children from attacks by wild animals.

Yes, I'm aware that killing the dingoes wasn't fair. But nature isn't fair.

Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV (talk)15:55, 27 April 2011

I've always disliked the "nature isn't fair" (or "life isn't fair") argument. Fairness or unfairness is a property of intelligent beings, in which category I do not place nature. Nature isn't unfair, either. If there is to be any fairness, we have to provide it ourselves, because we're the ones capable of it.

Not that I'd argue against euthanizing the dingoes, sad though it is; once animals learn to victimize humans, that makes them more dangerous.

Pi zero (talk)16:16, 27 April 2011

i do agree the parents should ave not let a 3 year old child out off theit sight and i agree that euthanizing the dingoes was the best option they are nasty wild dogs that ave killed many of our children in the past and no doudt will attack and kill again and again[talk[[tara needham] 02.39. 5th may 2011. (talk)01:41, 7 May 2011

In this case the parents were not supervising their child. This is the parents' fault, not the dingoes'. (talk)16:29, 27 April 2011

True, and they shouldn't get off scot-free for it. But the reason for euthanizing the dingoes isn't that it's their "fault".

Pi zero (talk)16:48, 27 April 2011

Then for what reason do we euthanize dingoes? To educate the other dingoes that might consider attacking humans in the future? Non-human animals certainly do not have the capacity to think like that... unless you're proposing that in the long run, dingoes will evolve into a species that does not attack humans, since dingoes that are more inclined to attack humans are more likely to die earlier and therefore don't reproduce as much? :/ (talk)05:26, 28 April 2011

I referred to this earlier. When an individual animal learns to victimize humans, it makes that individual animal especially dangerous. Pets are euthanized under similar circumstances.

Pi zero (talk)19:58, 28 April 2011


Mcchino64 (talk)10:12, 28 April 2011

someone's gotta die when a child is injured (talk)14:04, 28 April 2011