"Firstly, respect all cultures. Now look at those nasty British Imperialists!"

I agree. I don't like the PC line that "you can't judge that, it's part of their tradition!" I can and will judge it. I judge everything that everyone does, including myself. There are plenty of barbaric acts in various western countries that are "culturally based", and I judge them with the same eye that I use to judge Zuma. Saying that I'm only allowed to judge people of my own culture is just as racist as judging people exclusively based on their culture. The PCers of the world are simply blind to their own, passive racism.

Do you know what I see when I look at Zuma? He's is a barbarian. That's just the fact of the matter. It's not the multiple wives that bothers me (whatever, I couldn't care less. That's no different in my mind than having multiple non-married sexual partners in your life. *shrug*), it's the fact that he's a publicly acknowledged serial rapist that infuriates me. And they elected him *president*? Riiiight. Now *that* is a way to garner my respect, South Africa:P. Mind you, when you look at who he was running against, he may actually have been the lesser of two evils, heh. That's sad.

Gopher65talk04:02, 7 March 2010