Burning Ivory that's worth $250 Million on the black market...? How intelligent is this..??

Burning Ivory that's worth $250 Million on the black market...? How intelligent is this..??

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Last edit: 19:03, 5 May 2016

It's amazing to me that the President of Kenya, DiCaprio, Sir Elton, Nicole...and all the other "Feel Good" crusaders would be so naive and or ignorant about basic economics..? If you destroy this amount of illegal goods, what does that do to the price of the remaining ivory???

Whether on the "hoof" or in the possession of those involved in this reprehensible trade, eliminating this much Ivory is just an invitation for more destruction.

Ivory is a finite resource...destroying this will just raise the price of the remaining Ivory available..and provide further financial incentive to poachers to slaughter these animals and the black market traders to raise the price and increase their profits.

It seems that if your business is music or entertainment or running a country, you would at least understand basic supply and demand..?? Wouldn't YOU..?? After all, this isn't a record or movie contract....just Economics 101!! At least Tanzania seems a little more realistic about how real-world markets work?

Red Meat Smoker (talk)19:03, 5 May 2016