- Ukrainian president Yushchenko dismisses PM, cabinet
- California state legislature passes same-sex marriage bill
- Afghan-Tajik border control transferred from Russia
- Controversial rapper dethrones Mariah Carey from No. 1
- Oil price falls on inventory report
- US FEMA aid site only supports Windows with Internet Explorer
- UN inquiry finds mismanagement and failure of oversight
- Google hires Vint Cerf, the "father of the Internet"
- Death of candidate will delay final results for German federal election by weeks
- Aerial photos of Katrina's aftermath available
- Samsung to sell dual-standard DVD player
- Halliburton's KBR awarded half billion dollar repair contract for Gulf Coast Navy facilities
- Blair is first public official to apologize for Hurricane Katrina response
- Controversy erupts over German Anarchist Pogo Party's campaign ad