User talk:Brian McNeil/enWN-NewsBot webpage


 * Developing PHP IRC Bot
 *                          *** RUNS IN A WEB PAGE FOR TESTING PURPOSES ***
 * PHP Version 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
 * License available here:
 * Derived from demo script by: Super3boy <> last updated 2010-03-20
 *                              Retrieved from:

set_time_limit(0);  // Keep bot running indefinitely
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');  // Verbose error display

// In-testing definition, use a scratch channel.
$IRCconf = array(
    'server' => '', 
    'port'   => 6667, 
    'channel' => '##wikinews-bot-test',
    'name'   => 'Bot - In - Training', 
    'nick'   => 'enWN-test-bot', 
    'pass'   => '', 

$db_IRC = array(
    'dB'     => 'example:3307',
    'dBuser' => 'MySQLusername',
    'dBpass' => 'dBpassword',

// Manage Bot in a Class.

class IRCBot {

    var $socket;  // to hold our TCP/IP connection
    var $ex = array();  // to hold all of the messages both server and client
    var $dBlink;  // to hold MySQL database 'handle'

        Construct item, opens the server connection, logs the bot in
        @param array

    function __construct($IRCconf, $dB_IRC)

        // Open socket to IRC server, log in.
        $this->socket = fsockopen($IRCconf['server'], $IRCconf['port']);

        // Attach to the database for logging and queries
        $dBlink = mysql_connect($dB_IRC['dB'], $dB_IRC['user'], $dB_IRC['pass']);
        if (!$dBlink) {
            $this->send_data('QUIT', 'Bus Error. Passengers Dumped.');
            die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
        echo 'Connected successfully to database';

        // Run the main function loop

        // Finished with the database

    function login($config)
        $this->send_data('USER', $config['nick'].' '.$config['nick'].' :'.$config['name']);
        $this->send_data('NICK', $config['nick']);

        This is the workhorse function, grabs the data from the server and displays on the browser

    function main($config)
        $data = fgets($this->socket, 512);  // Grab 'whatever' from the IRC server

        echo nl2br($data);  // Spit it out on a web page, with [cr][lf] pairs turned to line breaks


        $this->ex = explode(' ', $data); // Split data into an array

        if ($this->ex[0] == 'PING')
            $this->send_data( 'PONG', $this->ex[1]);  // PING? PONG!

        $command = str_replace(array(chr(10), chr(13)), '', $this->ex[3]);  // Strip [CR][LF] pairs

        switch( $command )  // Handle all commands within a switch
            case ':!join':

            case ':!part':
                $this->send_data('PART '.$this->ex[4].' :', 'Exit, stage right.');

            case ':!say':
                $message = "";
                for($i=5; $i <= (count($this->ex)); $i++)
                    $message .= $this->ex[$i]." ";

                $this->send_data('PRIVMSG '.$this->ex[4].' :', $message);

            case ':!restart':
                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\">";

            case ':!shutdown':
                $this->send_data('QUIT', 'Bus Error. Passengers Dumped.');


    function send_data($cmd, $msg = null)  // Send to IRC server, debug output 
        if($msg == null)
            fputs($this->socket, $cmd."\r\n");
            echo '<strong>'.$cmd.'</strong><br />';
        } else {
            fputs($this->socket, $cmd.' '.$msg."\r\n");
            echo '<strong>'.$cmd.' '.$msg.'</strong><br />';

    function join_channel($channel)  //Join channel(s)
            foreach($channel as $chan)
                $this->send_data('JOIN', $chan);

        } else {

            $this->send_data('JOIN', $channel);

$bot = new IRCBot($IRCconf, £$dB_IRC);  // Start the bot

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