As many of you know, we don’t live in a world where we get real news which is why we are forced to rely on companies such as Fox news. Now, fox pride themselves for being fair and balanced well, I agree, just take a look at the way fox news reports. (play video 1) What I am really here to do is discuss with you the value of Wikinews and, how Wikinews compares to news empires such as Fox and Reuters.

Wikinews, like Wikipedia can be edited by anyone and, is based on the wiki mark-up language. In this day of sponsorship and syndication, it is almost impossible to find the latest news while knowing what you are reading is not just hearsay. On Wikinews, we have a team of committed contributors who regularly contribute and help to writing the latest news. Now when I say they are committed I mean that literally. I am talking about people sacrificing their girlfriends and boyfreinds, for people who stay up until 4am just to report on breaking news. These people are so committed to Wikinews, without it, they would pretty much be lifeless amoebas.

Many people ask, what makes Wikinews so good? Why should I go to the Wikinews website rather then the Reuters or the msn website. There are three reasons. Firstly, Wikinews contributors have already been to these websites, along with dozens more to find the best and highest of quality information to allow readers to get accurate and interesting reports. Secondly, in this world of syndications, as soon as there is a report on, hundreds of thousands of other websites automatically post the same story. Simply go into any Google news subject and, at least half the stories are identical. Finally, break away from the pack! Instead of getting the same old news day in and day out, get something a bit more interesting, a bit more in depth, a bit higher in quality and, one of the only free news sources on the web.

Now, many people say how fair and balanced fox news is, I thought I might test how they treat professionals who they are interviewing. (play video 2)

You may be wondering why we are so comparing wikinews which is in print to fox news which is on tv. Today I have some good news. For the first time, we are publically acknoleging our work on wikinews video which should be coming out soon and unlike any other news souce, it will be the first free and unfree video news to be available on so many mediums. Videos will be available on MSN video, youtube, rss feeds, podcasts, the commons and on the wikinews sites. There will be one distinct difference between wikinews and the video edition - the video edition will have a deep look into one issue and have proper inverviews rather then many badly produced