User:Kabir~enwikinews/Freedom Figting-The Baloochistan Way

January 25, 2006 {{editorial}} The Fighting In Baloochistan was a controversial thing for 58 years. The claiming of president Mushareff recently had opened this news a nice attention of media also from USA.

The history of Baloochistan had started from many years ago but the fact of freedom fighting had started from the acquisition of the area illegly by the pakistani army at the time of 1948.during that days the division of India into two seperate countries,INDIA and Pakistan, had started.

There the british demanded every one in the british province to stay either with india or pakistan but some of the provinces decided neither to join these countries.The important provinces were Kashmir and Baloochistan.The peoples in Baloochistan is known as Balooch and they disliked on joining Pakistan.The example for such a personality was Khan abdul Gaffer Khan(who is known as Frontier Gandhi).

But the pakistanies attacked the area and now also the struggle for Freedom continues.But Pakistan hesitates to the matter to compare with Kashmir since the area is very much rich in the terms of oil and natural resources.

Letter to United Nations by Baloochies