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/* Author : Svetlana Tkachenko
This file is a part of deleteLinkInRc.
Licence: GPLv3+
Description: [beta] adds delete link to 'N' pages in recent changes or block or contribs
Recommends: User:Gryllida/js/showPagePreviewWhenDeleting.js
See also <>.

function _addDeleteLink (){
	// new page markers present?
		// traverse DOM to the parent element of the new page marker
			// get page title as an attribute
			var title = $(this).attr('data-target-page') || $(this).find('.mw-contributions-title').text();
			// construct the deletion url
			var url = '$1&action=delete';
			url = url.replace('$1', title);
			// add the deletion link
			var button = $('<a></a>', {
				text: 'delete',
				href: url
			$(this).append(' [');
			var buttonSpam = $('<a></a>', {
				text: 'spam delete',
				href: url + '&wpReason=spam',
			$(this).append(' [');

mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api'], function () {
	"use strict";
	// == Quit if this is not main namespace ==
	 var thisPageTitle = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
	// check that it's recent changes or block or contribs page
	if (thisPageTitle == 'Special:RecentChanges' || thisPageTitle.indexOf('Special:Contributions') === 0){