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Author : Svetlana Tkachenko
This file is a part of addSourcesUi.
Licence: GPLv3+
Description: adds a button to wikieditor, which fills in {{source}} from uri
Version: 0.1
Change log:
  - Version 0.1 (2018-02-26) - initial release
See also <> and
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'jquery.ui'], function () {
	"use strict";
	var monthNames = [
	    "January", "February", "March",
	    "April", "May", "June", "July",
	    "August", "September", "October",
	    "November", "December"
	var api = new mw.Api();
	var getLocation = function(href) {
		var l = document.createElement("a");
		l.href = href;
		return l;
	var getDomain = function (url){
		var l = getLocation(url);
		return l.hostname;
	var errors = {};
	var articlesChecked=0;
	var templatesChecked=0;
	var templatesCheckedWithError=0;
	var templatesTotal=0;
	function _addCodeForSource(thissourceinfo2, context){
		var str = '*{{source';
		var params = Object.keys(thissourceinfo2);
			var paramName = params[i];
			var paramValue = thissourceinfo2[paramName];
			str = str + '\r\n|' + paramName + ' = ' + paramValue;
		str = str + '\r\n' + '}}';
		console.log('1 context = ' + context);
		_addSourceToArticle(str, context);
	// == Error reporting ==
	function handleError(thissourceinfo2, data, sourceurl){
		console.log('checking for errors');
		var warnings = [];
		var params = Object.keys(thissourceinfo2);
			var paranName = params[i];
			var v2 = thissourceinfo2[paranName];
			if(v2 === ""){
				warnings.push('I could not fetch "'+paranName+'" parameter. Please add it by hand.');
				console.log('warning added');
		return warnings;
	function _addWarnings(warnings){
		console.log('adding warnings');
		var message = '';
			message = message + '; ' + warnings[i];
		//button.prop('value','Get data');
	// == Citoid metadata manipulation ==
	function _getCitoidApiUrl(url){
		var apiUrl = mw.config.get ('wgServer') ;
		    apiUrl = apiUrl + '/api/rest_v1/data/citation/mediawiki/';
		    apiUrl = apiUrl + encodeURIComponent(url);
		return apiUrl;
	function _getCitoidSourceInfo(sourceurl, context){
		console.log('getting citoid information');
		var warnings = [];
		if(!sourceurl) {
			warnings.push('missing url');
		} else {
			_getPublicationData1(sourceurl).then(function(data) {
				var thissourceinfo2 = _getPublicationData2(data, sourceurl);
				warnings = handleError(thissourceinfo2, data, sourceurl);
				console.log('0 context = ' + context);
				_addCodeForSource(thissourceinfo2, context);
			}).catch(err => {
				templatesCheckedWithError += 1;
	function _getPublicationData1(url){
		var apiUrl = _getCitoidApiUrl(url);
		return $.get(apiUrl);
	function _getPublicationData2(data, url){
		// Get author
		var authors = data[0].author;
		var authorStrings = [];
		$(authors).each(function( index ) {
			authorStrings.push(this[0] + ' ' + this [1]);
		var author = authorStrings.join (', ');
		//console.log('author: '+ author);
		// Get publisher, title
		var publisher = data[0].publicationTitle || "";
		var title = data[0].title;
		// Get date (in the correct format)
		var datestring = data[0].date; // 2020-12-31
		var date="";
			var dateOrig = datestring.split('-'); // 2020-12-31
			var dateYear = dateOrig[0];
			var dateMonth = monthNames[dateOrig[1]-1];
			var dateDay = parseInt(dateOrig[2],10);
			date = dateMonth + ' ' + dateDay + ', ' + dateYear;
		var sourceinfo = {
			url: url,
			title: title,
			author: author,
			pub: publisher,
			date: date /// xxx add lang
		return sourceinfo;
	function _addSourceToArticle(srctext, context){

            $( '#wpTextbox1' ).data( 'wikiEditor-context' ),
                    type: 'replace',
                    options: {
                            peri: srctext,
                            ownline: true
            $( '#wpTextbox1' )
	function _getStarted(context){
		console.log('Get started');
		var sourceurl = prompt('Source URL: ');
		console.log('-1 context = ' + context);
		_getCitoidSourceInfo(sourceurl, context);
	// == WikiEditor codes ==
	var customizeToolbar = function () {
		/* Your code goes here */
		$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
			'section': 'main',
			'group': 'insert',
			'tools': {
				'addsource': {
					label: 'Add a source', // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
					type: 'button',
					icon: '//',
				      action: {
				           type: 'callback',
				                execute: function(context){
				                		console.log('-2 context = ' + context);
		} );
	/* Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar … */
	if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), [ 'edit', 'submit' ] ) !== -1 ) {
		mw.loader.using( 'user.options' ).then( function () {
			// This can be the string "0" if the user disabled the preference ([[phab:T54542#555387]])
			if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) == 1 ) {
					mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor' ), $.ready
				).then( customizeToolbar );
		} );
	// == WikiEditor codes end ==