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//Make categories sort by category add date (and possibly last edit) instead of alphabetical
//this is probably something that should be done server side, but js is what i know, and can happen instantly, so...

catdates = {};

catdates.getCats = function(cat, order, callback) {
//get first two hundred or so pages in a category.
//returns object page_name => date (or other order method)
    var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
    xmlhttp.self = this; 'GET' , '|title&cmdir=desc&cmtitle=' + "Category:" + cat, true );
    xmlhttp.onload = callback; //does this work everywhere, or should it be onstatuschange
    xmlhttp.send( null );



catdates.sortPages = function(pageList) {

Date(Date.UTC(foo.query.categorymembers[1].timestamp.substring(0,4), foo.query.categorymembers[1].timestamp.substring(5,7)-1, foo.query.categorymembers[1].timestamp.substring(8,10), foo.query.categorymembers[1].timestamp.substring(11,13), foo.query.categorymembers[1].timestamp.substring(14,16), foo.query.categorymembers[1].timestamp.substring(17,19)));

catdates.getCats("Published", null, null);