Two major political parties protest placards used in Armenian-Turkish journalist's funeral

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Placards held in Dink's funeral reading "We are all Hrant Dink" and "We are all Armenian" in Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian. These placards were later protested by MHP and CHP, two major Turkish political parties

Thousands of people marched in Dink's Funeral to protest his assassination, holding placards that read "We are all Armenian" and "We are Hrant Dink" in both Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian.

Later, these placards were protested by MHP and CHP. The leader of MHP, a fascist political party of Turkey, described the placards saying "We are all Armenian" as
a freak show organized by those who do not participate in martyr funerals

A party council member of CHP, a relatively leftist political party, said "we became ashamed of being Turkish. I am Turkish and I protest the assassination. ... The placards that say "assassin 301" are also wrong. As long as we do not want to denigrate Turkishness, we cannot call 301 an assassin. ..."

Article 301 is a controversial censorship article of the Turkish penal code that makes it a crime to "insult Turkishness".
A panorama from Halaskargazi boulevard. One hundred thousand mourners marched in Dink's funeral, protesting his assassination. The office of the Agos newspaper, where Dink was gunned down, is near the right edge of the image; it is in the first house to the right from the one with a large black banner hanging down.
A panorama from Halaskargazi boulevard. One hundred thousand mourners marched in Dink's funeral, protesting his assassination. The office of the Agos newspaper, where Dink was gunned down, is near the right edge of the image; it is in the first house to the right from the one with a large black banner hanging down.

