That is a very good issue for debate. I thank you. I recently watched a passionate Lecture on Children's rights. I was not aware that only 2 coutries in the World do not officially recognize that rights 1)USA and 2)Somalia. Queen Elizabeth officially said Sorry for Human Suffering of SLAVERY vitims. Modern slavery and Caste & Class Systems will be ongoing until Humanity is enslaved by an Alien or a Superior Being! Pope said Sorry for the Scandals of Catholic Church abused victims. History shows that Time & Cruel Past Events make Humans learn from the Past. Let us look at the Brighter side of Life;Grass is always Greener on the other side. The Utopian Society has been dreamt by many and failed. For the time being in USA, the President Obama is trying to do the best he can. He was Humbled by Nobel Peace Prize! That makes his life even Harder. In fact the Health Care Bill one of his Life Time achievements, which was tried by so many predecessors. When he gave his Peace offer speech in Egypt to Muslim World, introducing himself as an Islamic brother by birth, which Iran recognises but World Politicians hold back. Academics and the Learned set examples and have great Vision to improve the World but are restricted by Local views, and evolve. I always admired Tight rope walk by the Trapeze Artists in Circus which is Great to watch. When Politicians perform such delicate Tight Rope walk in Real Life, with genuine passion to improve Humanity that is probably more challenging. I have great admiration for Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Einstein and Mandela and many more. I can go on and on..............! I expect a response from you.

Rajveetee (talk)20:41, 19 July 2011

I actually feel embarrassed when people in our time apologise for acts or regimes imposed in the past. I can't imagine it means much to anybody and seems a bit tokenistic. Changing the way people act and think TODAY seems a much greater example of desire for change for the better.

Deep down I can see the appeal of capital punishment; it satisfies an animalistic base need for revenge. The challenge is to overcome this basic instinct in order to both act on the morals we preach and give us the best chance of achieving ultimate goals - stopping murder.

Capital punishment is not a deterrent to people who are so desperate that the risks are worth it (especially since many people wait years on death row). As an outsider (from the UK, of course we have our own problems with social divide) it seems to me that the very foundations of American retoric allow for such a country of big winners and big losers - the big losers are more likely to commit crime out of desperation - as long as you have a consistent supply of these people, the punishment of death will solve nothing!

Mcchino64 (talk)08:19, 20 July 2011