Talk:US helicopter with 17 on board believed to have been shot down in Afghanistan

"the New York Times reported the site appeared "blocked"


Re; the nytimes reference to the blocking of a website; does anyone know how and who "blocks" websites, and whether its legal to do so? e.g. if I wanted to "block" a pro-Blair website; is it legal for me to do it?

If it's a government entity that blocks websites, is that a problem for the citizens and if so what can we do about it?

If the U.S. government is blocking the websites of its adversaries(e.g. Cuba) is that legal and/or acceptable?

I am really wondering about this reference to a "blocked website" in this article; especially because it is just mentioned in a kind of "ho-hum", "more of the same" way.

Are we collectively becoming too accepting about blatant and epidemic government censorship???? Where are the champions of freedom of the press???? Paulrevere2005 30 June 2005 12:54 (UTC)

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