Talk:Trade hall roof collapses in Poland

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Deprifry in topic Photos

Sources edit

These are NOT in english and I think they could be reliable. Can any one translate?

I have to remove them from the article for the moment because I cannot verify these sources. Jason Safoutin 20:42, 28 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Can someone verify TVP for me? Its not in english... Jason Safoutin 23:20, 28 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

In general the English wikinws article here looks similar to the polish version: pl:Katowice:_Zawalił_się_dach_hali_targowej - i'm likely to sleep now, but here are a few quotes from the TVP article - note that copyright means that literal translation is a violation of copyright, so anyone wanting to add this to the main article should write this information in his/her own style of expressing things:

  • Co najmniej 12 osób zginęło w wyniku zawalenia się dachu jednego z pawilonów na terenie Międzynarodowych Targów Katowickich. Wewnątrz mogło być od 500 do 1000 uczestników wystawy gołębi – poinformowała policja. Do szpitali odwieziono około 100 rannych.
    • At least 12 people died... Inside there may be between 500 and 1000 participants of the exhibition, said police. 100 injured people have gone to hospital.
  • Prezydent Lech Kaczyński postanowił przekazać milion złotych z budżetu Kancelarii Prezydenta na pomoc dla rodzin ofiar tragedii w Katowicach
    • President Lech Kaczyński promised a million złotys (about 250,000 euros) from the President's Office to help the families of the victims.

People on polish wikinews should be able to more or less handle English - try registering there and asking politely on the Dyskusja (Discussion) page. Boud 02:33, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Well if thats the extent of the sources, then we have updated sources with the 20 deaths report. So if it can be addded in english, trhen I will be happy to add them in. Jason Safoutin 02:39, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply
In fact, my translation is not literally word-for-word, so i think that with the necessary changes for integrating into the article, i don't think there should be any worry about copyright, since there's not much more possibility of changing the wording without changing the meaning (which is not protected by copyright). So you can grab what i've translated and integrate it (grammatically) into the article.
BTW, happy is not quite the right word here. Chances are noone i know died there, but it's not exactly happy... i hope there's a *&^$*&^^@#@$ good enquiry into finding out who failed to do the engineering/safety studies and recommendations for use of the building. This could be something like a 911 or Madrid-bombings - Polish version - in terms of waking people up, except that the incompetence clearly is local, not international... Anyway, enough off-topic stuff. Boud 02:51, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

photos edit

there are some good photos (pre-event) on pl:Katowice: Zawalił się dach hali targowej but you have to find out how to link to them - or repost them on wikicommons. or ask for help on pl:Dyskusja:Katowice: Zawalił się dach hali targowej. Boud 02:54, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Unfortunately if they are copyright, we cannot post them on Wikinews :( Jason Safoutin 02:58, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Breaking news edit


Acoording to TVP [1]:

  • 65 osób zginęło pod gruzami zawalonej hali Międzynarodowego Centrum Targowego w Chorzowie. Nie jest to jednak ostateczny bilans. Trwa akcja ratownicza.
    65 people died under ruins of trade hall in Chorzów. This is not final result. There are still rescuers working.

According to Radio RMF FM, PAP news ageny and portal [2]:

  • Wśród zabitych mogą być dzieci oraz obcokrajowcy. Od godziny 22. nie znaleziono niestety żadnej żywej osoby. W Katowicach ta noc była bardzo zimna; było minus 15 stopni Celsjusza. Mimo wszystko nikt nie traci nadziei; na miejsce docierają nowe ekipy ratunkowe. Nawet 200 osób może być wciąż uwięzionych pod gruzami. Ratownicy pracują jednak nadal. Szansa na znalezienie kogoś żywego jest coraz mniejsza. Ostatnią żywą osobę wydobyto między godziną 21. a 22.
    Among dead there may be children and foreigners. Since 22:00 CET rescuers didn't found anyone, who was alive. In Katowice this night was very cold (-15 degrees Celsius). In spite of all no one is losing hope. At the place arrives news rescue teams. Under ruins there may be 200 people trapped. Resuers are still working. But there is no chance to find someone alive. Last alive person was found between 21:00 and 22:00 CET.
  • Do szpitali trafiło 128 osób. Poszkodowani odwożeni są do placówek w Katowicach i Sosnowcu, a także w Dąbrowie Górniczej, Siemianowicach Śląskich i Chorzowie. Najciężej ranni odwożeni są do szpitali w Katowicach-Murckach, Katowicach-Ochojcu oraz do Szpitala św. Barbary w Sosnowcu.
    There are 128 people in hospitals. Injured are transported to hospitals in Katowice, Sosoniwec, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Siemianowice Śląskie and Chorzów. Heavily-injured are transported to hospitrals in Katowice-Murcki, Katowice-Ochojec and Saint Barbara Hospital in Sosnowiec.

According to PAP news agency [3]:

  • Wśród osób poszkodowanych w sobotniej katastrofie budowlanej w Katowicach prawdopodobnie jest łącznie 13 obcokrajowców - Niemcy, Czesi, Belgowie, Słowak i Holender - poinformował rzecznik wojewody śląskiego, Krzysztof Mejer. Dodał, że w tej liczbie są zarówno osoby ranne, jak i ofiary śmiertelne. Nie sprecyzował jednak, ile ich jest. Wcześniej informowano o śmierci obywatela belgijskiego.
    Among sufferers in Saturday's building disaster in Katowice there are 13 foreigners from Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Slovakia and Netherlands - informed spokesman for the governor's office in the Silesia region, Krzysztof Mejer. He added that in this number there are both dead and injured people. He didn't precise this numbers. Earlier there was information about death of citizen of Belgium.

- Ariok (from Polish Wikinews)

Photos edit

See commons:Trade hall roof collapse in Katowice. --Derbeth 16:40, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thanks a lot. --Deprifry|+T+ 16:47, 29 January 2006 (UTC)Reply
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