Talk:Tom Cruise spoofed in film 'Superhero Movie'

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Cirt in topic Cruise threats in original video



All material sourced from Sources section, no OR - though some material was gleaned from prior articles cited in the Related news section. Cirt - (talk) 05:30, 28 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Sources were removed from this article - sources that I had used to source material present in the article, and this included cites in the Related news section, so I have restored these sources. Cirt - (talk) 12:52, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply


I don't recall which source at the moment, but the mention was specifically mentioned by a different source, so that's why I put it in there because it was already referenced separately. We could take it out as a source itself, but the quote from it is source to a different source, just have to go find it. Cirt - (talk) 10:09, 28 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Nevermind, it's not really needed, we have other sources commenting on the actor's portrayal in the parody scene. Cirt - (talk) 10:14, 28 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Coverage of same topic in news/media sources post this article's publish


Orlando Sentinel review of film


The movie's highlight is actually available for free, all over the Internet. Actor Miles Fisher replicates Tom Cruise's Scientology recruiting video of last year to hilarious effect. But that's all that's hilarious. And you can see that for free on YouTube.

Essentially this review is saying that the Tom Cruise spoof is one of the funnier parts of the movie. But as this review came out after this article's publish time, I won't add it to this article. Cirt - (talk) 02:51, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Something tells me that everyone will see the movie just to see that scene. DragonFire1024 (Talk to the Dragon) 03:04, 29 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Macquarie National News


Yet another source that focused solely on this aspect of the film in an article about this trailer. I guess this type of reporting wasn't just limited to the The Orlando Sentinel and the other sources already listed in this article, oh, and Wikinews for that matter, which reported on this before it was covered in The Orlando Sentinel and in Macquarie National News. Numerous other reviews of Superhero Movie focused on this part of the film as well. Cirt - (talk) 07:20, 1 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Toronto Star


There's usually at least one knockout parody in these films, and this one is no exception. But it is almost ruined by bad editing.

Miles Fisher, a virtual unknown, does an astounding and hilarious takedown of Tom Cruise, but most of it isn't in Superhero Movie. To see the complete, unedited segment, which you must, you have to go to the Internet (it's on sites like or YouTube).

Somebody, please, give this guy his own movie, one not written or directed by Craig Mazin!

Yet another review of the film that is critical of the film in general, and yet writes positively of this specific spoof of Tom Cruise - even going so far as to lament that more of it isn't in the film itself and says that readers "must" go watch the whole thing on YouTube, or at Cirt - (talk) 07:43, 1 April 2008 (UTC)Reply


This source has lots of good highlights on yet more media/news sources that commented/highlighted on solely this portion of the film. In particular check out this quote from Daily Variety:

“Fisher is so good that maybe the sequel [to Superhero Movie] should be Tom Cruise Movie.”

So perhaps Wikinews wasn't the only source to highlight this particular aspect of the film. Cirt - (talk) 00:06, 3 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Detroit Free Press


Its lone hilarious moment, which involves actor Miles Fisher replicating Tom Cruise's Scientology recruiting video of last year, is available free all over the Internet.

Another news source highlighting this particular part of the film. Cirt - (talk) 11:04, 3 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

The Times


The trend of releasing online sequences from upcoming films has taken off in recent months. But the trailer for Superhero Movie is of a different class to previous efforts. The two-minute clip ( features Miles Fisher doing an eerily dead-on impersonation of Tom Cruise discussing being a superhero. Fisher nails the little man’s mad, bug-eyed, Scientology-frazzled body language. But the dialogue is the highlight, as it includes Cruise telling his interviewer: “I’m a hero. There aren’t that many accidents these days so you’ve got to make accidents. I throw nails in the streets and make accidents happen. I’m the only one that can stop it. Yeah.”

This just in from The Times - apparently another news source also highlighted this portion of the film specifically. This article in The Times even linked to one of the sources that was used in this article. Cirt - (talk) 23:23, 3 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

The Dallas Morning News


Inside his banking tower, Dallas Federal Reserve president Richard Fisher is just as likely to be watching outtakes of the new Superhero Movie on as he is to be watching the markets.

That's because his actor son, Miles Fisher, has become a round-the-globe Internet sensation for his parody of Tom Cruise that is the highlight of an otherwise mediocre movie. The Fisher video is a sendup of a more disturbing Scientology video that the church has been trying to get Gawker Media to remove from its Web sites.

CNN and Entertainment Tonight have played clips of Miles' dead-on impersonation of Mr. Cruise. It's an ironic road to fame for the young actor, a Harvard grad. When he was 18, gossip columnist Liz Smith dubbed him "the next Tom Cruise," after seeing him in the Civil War epic Gods and Generals.

Nuff said with this latest major news source commenting on this topic, which this Wikinews article covered now about 7 days ago. Cirt - (talk) 09:24, 4 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Name change, changed back to simpler title


This article's title was originally "Tom Cruise spoofed in 'Superhero Movie'". I really thought that simpler and shorter was better here. The article was moved, without discussion, to a much longer and more unwieldy title, way after the article's publish date of March 28, to "Leaked Tom Cruise Scientology promotion film spoofed in 'Superhero Movie'". I changed it back to simpler: "Tom Cruise spoofed in film 'Superhero Movie'", and I would appreciate it if an Admin could change it back to the original title of the article as it appeared on the main page on its publish date of March 28 - I see no reason to change the title of the article over 24 hours after it was published. Cirt - (talk) 12:54, 30 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Cruise threats in original video


I'm just being lazy by not doing this myself (nor logging in), but when demonstrating the context of the original video for those who may not have heard of it, there needs to be a line that references his implied physical threats. You know, that whole scene where he says, "People ask me if I've ever met a _____. Someday it'll be like that. But no, I haven't seen any in a while, since they don't confront me anymore. They know what I'll do to them. They know what I've done to others who have made confrontations in my presence." That, to me, is the context of the original video. Anyways, someone please work that in. -- 14:50, 6 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Too late to work in new stuff into this article, per WN:ARCHIVE. Cirt - (talk) 20:33, 6 April 2008 (UTC)Reply
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